Are parents able to guide children to use devices for online classes?
A study was conducted by the Muttha Foundation in Nov 2020 across Maharashtra to understand the roll-out of the tech-based distance education across the state during the school closures due to COVID-19. As a part of this extensive study, 1260 parents of the primary school students were also interviewed and observed.
Data was collected to understand how well
the parents were technologically skilled to guide their children in the case of
problems related to device or network. The findings reveal that that while 60
percent parents reported that they could use the devices ‘very well’, 40
percent still reported limited or no expertise in using them. This ability
seemed to increase with the educational levels of the parents. More educated
parents found it easier to use the devices than parents who were less/not
educated. Also, only 45 percent male students and 40 percent female students
reported that they could use the devices very well.
This study was conducted to understand the approach, challenges and
implications of tech-based distance education for the primary school students
from the government and budget private schools across Maharashtra
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