Awareness lacking on educational programs on TV/Radio TECH BASED DISTANCE EDUCATION

A study was conducted by the Muttha Foundation in Nov 2020 across Maharashtra to understand the roll-out of the tech-based distance education across the state during the school closures due to COVID-19. As a part of this extensive study,  166 primary school students who were unable to participate in Tech based distance education were also interviewed. In the research study, it was found that the students were not very engaged in the educational programmes aired on TV or. The top three reasons why the non TECH BASED DISTANCE EDUCATION students did not watch educational programmes on TV despite not having access to any other tech device mainly pointed towards lack of awareness of such programmes (37%), not having a TV set (37%) and not understanding the programmes (12%).

This study was conducted to understand the approach, challenges and implications of tech-based distance education for the primary school students from the government and budget private schools across Maharashtra. 

In our next post we will see what is the perception of teachers and other officials about the utility of the online classes for students. 

Also, download our research reports here:


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