Challenges for CWSN due to change in mode of teaching and learning

A study was conducted by the Muttha Foundation in Nov 2020 across Maharashtra to understand the roll-out of the tech-based distance education across the state during the school closures due to COVID-19. 19 Children with special needs and their parents were interviewed as a part of the study and their experiences and responses were recorded in the form of case studies.
The type of disabilities in these children was diverse, for eg. Visual impairment, hearing impairment, speech disorders, cerebral palsy, etc. These disabilities ranged from mild to severe in case of both physical and mental disorders seen in the children.

As per the responses received, the pedagogy should have undergone a tremendous change during such time, to make learning more enjoyable and engaging for children with disabilities, but unfortunately, no such shift in pedagogy was reported. Teachers have not been trained to modify their teaching-learning practices to enable the CWSN to learn better online. There were no special efforts taken by teachers, except in the case of three students, where the teachers came personally to take updates and interacted with the child.  A sudden shift of classes to online platforms has left very little scope for the parents, students, and teachers to be well equipped.

This study was conducted to understand the approach, challenges and implications of tech-based distance education for the primary school students from the government and budget private schools across Maharashtra.

Also, download our research reports here:


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