Methods of including children with no access to Tech Based Distance Education

 A study was conducted by the Muttha Foundation in Nov 2020 across Maharashtra to understand the roll-out of the tech-based distance education across the state during the school closures due to COVID-19. As a part of this detailed study 409 teachers and 14 BEOs were interviewed. With the issues of tech availability and access being evident, an attempt was made to understand the various ways in which the children with no access to technology were learning and the means by which they were being supported by the system.

While the students and parents had reported very limited outreach the authorities on their part, had a different understanding of the issue.

More than 50 percent BEOs stated that ‘more rigor in connecting with students/parents through phone calls/home visits ‘(88%) and ‘support of techno-savvy teachers’ (58%) were the steps taken to extend support to children not being able to access online classes. 35 percent-40 percent BEOs also reported ‘taking help of SMCs to get feedback from students/parents’ and ‘Problem solving during online shikshan parishads’. Only 15 percent BEOs reported collaborations with NGOs/resource organizations to reach out to children with no access to tech based digital learning.

Across the state, the more popular measures adopted, as reported by the teachers were home visits (43%), providing photocopies of notes to children (40%), asking to watch educational TV programmes (39%) and phone-call support (35%). There are regional differences seen in the priority of these methods. In the private schools, support through phone calls seemed a more popular approach (57%). Home visits were not a measure taken up much in the private schools.

This study was conducted to understand the approach, challenges and implications of tech-based distance education for the primary school students from the government and budget private schools across Maharashtra.

Keep watching this space to know more about the awareness of these parents and students about educational programs on TV/Radio

Also, download our research reports here:



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