Behind the Scenes of the Massive roll-out of the tech-based distance education for primary school children during COVID-19 in Maharashtra

 A study was conducted by the Muttha Foundation in Nov 2020 across Maharashtra to understand the roll-out of the tech-based distance education across the state during the school closures due to COVID-19. From our interactions with MSCERT it was learned that the move to tech-based education had to be made swiftly with no budget in hand and an extreme shortage of manpower. Despite the constraints, the MSCERT has done a commendable job in mobilizing resources through, active collaborations with various organizations like Shantilal Muttha Foundation, UNICEF, Deccan Education Society, Akshar Foundation, Going to School, to name a few. Support was sought in content design, capacity building, and other areas as per their need; available content on DIKSHA and other OERs was also leveraged upon. A notable aspect was the utilization of the capacities of the resource pool of techno-savvy teachers in Maharashtra, who willingly supported the MSCERT and the officials for content creation and delivery of training at some locations.

This study was conducted to understand the approach, challenges, and implications of tech-based distance education for the primary school students from the government and budget private schools across Maharashtra.
Watch out this space to learn more about the roll-out of tech-based distance education and its effects on the primary school children.
"Download our research reports here (Available both in English and Marathi)"


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