The inspiring story of Mr Ravindra Kedar

Some years ago, Kolhapur suffered from heavy floods. Naturally this caused the schools to be shut for quite some time. During that time Kedar sir started using applications like YouTube and Facebook to ensure that children were connected to learning. He found that his students responded well to this kind of technology-enabled distance learning. Most of the students that Kedar sir teaches hail from a nomadic tribe called NandiwaleSamaj. The students often live with their grandparents, while their parents move from one place to another. Since parents weren’t accessible to Kedar sir, he turned to technology to help solve this problem. The parents now understand the various advantages of technology so much so that parents’ online meetings are a regular feature of the school. Kedar sir’s school even has its own website. 

Kedar sir’s experience of the Kolhapur floods not only helped him stay connected with his students during the COVID-19 pandemic, but also seamlessly assimilated three new students into the online learning process when they migrated to his village. The parents of these three third-grade students reached out to Kedar sir when they heard about his effort and dedication towards the village school. The three students were given admission without any issues. In a pre-pandemic time, older students would help any newly admitted students as a routine practice. Online classes were no exception. Kedar sir now conducts all his classes online. He sometimes visits those students who need help while using different educational apps. He also recharges mobile data (internet) for those students who are unable to do so due to financial constraints. The parents have been cooperating with Kedar sir during this entire process. 

Kedar sir is not satisfied with working for students at his village alone. He develops worksheets for children, which are then distributed to different locations in the district. In addition, he also trains teachers at the district level. His work, which often goes beyond the call of duty has earned him recognition and appreciation of institutions at the cluster, Beat and DIET level as well as NGOs like Andha Shraddha NirmulanSamitee.

Next on our post we will talk about the status of students who have no access to tech based distance education.

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